About Curling

Safety Tips for Curlers

Curlers get their “sea legs” on the ice after their first several games.  It’s normally not difficult to get around on the ice.  However, ice is ice, and if a curler is careless, a fall can result in a serious injury.

New curlers are cautioned to be very careful while moving or standing on the ice.  Even experienced curlers should pay attention to these cautions:

1.     Step onto the ice with your “gripper” shoe, and be careful!  Never use your slider foot to step onto the ice.

2.     Always be very careful when stepping ON or OFF the ice.  Curlers are more likely to slip or fall when stepping onto or off the ice.

3.     Never stop a rock with your hand.  Your fingers can be crushed, especially if the rock hits another rock while you’re trying to stop it!  Use your broom or brush to stop a rock.

4.     Never use your feet to stop a fast moving rock.  You could lose balance and fall. Again, use your broom or brush to stop a rock.

5.     Always carry your broom or brush, which you can use to avoid or break a fall in case you lose your balance.

6.     Never go onto the ice when your balance is impaired from sickness, excessive alcohol, etc.  A fall can cause serious injury!

7.     While sweeping, if you can’t keep up with a fast shot, STOP.  Don’t risk a fall on the ice.

8.     When you first step onto the ice, take note of ice conditions.  Sometimes the ice is more slippery than normal.  If so, use extra caution while walking on the ice.  Always watch where you walk!


Mayfield Curling Club, Warrensville Heights, OH